Bioacoustics and community knowledge for climate change monitoring

Modulo 1.1 – Aves & Biodiversidad

Bienvenidos y bievenidas al modulo 1.1! Hoy vas a conectar con algún espacio del aire libre y sus aves. Vas a tener la oportunidad de ver las aves allí y evaluar la salud de tu ambiente local. Para empezar, mire el primer video. Modulo 1.1 – Resumen Empieza con el audio del levanamiento del sol […]

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Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a esta experiencia exploratoria de educación. Presenta una oportunidad conectar con tu espacio local y las aves presentes. Vas a ver aves como manera de evaluar la salud del medioambiente local. Para empezar, mire el video introductorio y elija un módulo. Modulo 1 – Aves & Biodiversidad Metas de Aprendizaje: Puedo entender […]

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Module 2.1: Designing Solutions!

Welcome to a new module! Begin by watching the video below to see what you can do in this lesson… Module 2.1 Overview Engage a video of human and natural environments. Explore a series of examples at home actions you can take. Explain the design process and defining success. Elaborate creating a solution design and […]

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Module 1.2 • Conduct Your Own Research!

In this lesson you will expand on the work you started in Module 1.1 by conducting your own scientific research using the “Point Count Bird Census” protocol. You will then compare the information gathered in your research to the data from your regional biodiversity data (the recording you listened to in Module 1.1). Module 1.2 […]

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Welcome to an exciting exploratory learning experience. This is a chance to connect with a local outdoor space and the birds that are there. You will see birds as a way to assess the health of your local environment. Then you will have the chance to take action in your local environment. Begin by watching […]

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Module 1.1 • Birds & Biodiversity

Welcome to Module 1.1! Today you will connect with a local outdoor space and the birds that are there. You will also have the chance to see birds as a way to assess the health of your local environment. Begin by watching the introduction video. Module 1.1 Overview Engage with an audio clip of sunrise […]

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Chesapeake Cacophony

The quiet, wintery months seem a distant memory in the vibrant Chesapeake estuary. The Songs of Adaptation team has research stations consistently recording in many locations around the watershed. The presence of so many vocalizing species is both exciting and daunting for the research team. The team is using local knowledge with the recorded bioacoustic […]

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Nepal: Continuing Research Update

The Songs Of Adaptation team has officially received a two-year extension of research permits in Nepal. The biomeridian installation and monitoring continues in the Barun Valley, at the base of Mount Everest. Pictured here, a team member checks instrumentation at one of the stations along the transect.  The biomeridian in Nepal stretches from tropical climates, […]

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Beginnings in Bolivia

In March, Songs of Adaptation established a new research location in Bolivia. Working together with new local partners, team members designed and carried out an installation that incudes four monitoring stations in different habitats. This study design relies on local community partners to collect and transfer data.  Left to right: Luciano, Alejo, Shane, and Rommel are […]

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SEED-SCALE: Theory of Social Change

The SEED-SCALE method was developed by Future Generations in 1992 with the goal of improving lives and sustaining this progress. It can be used to replicate and scale-up community-based advancement activities around the world. As the history of its use grows, the method becomes more robust. Teams around the world grow more experienced and more […]

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